Why You Should Make the Effort to Travel to Botswana’s First Hard Rock Festival

A large festival is a fantastic excuse to arrange a trip; however, if you are interested in having an experience that is off the main road, you are going to require the assistance of a guide. This article discusses why Bostwana’s hard rock festival is something you should make the effort to attend and how you may do so.
The heavy metal movement in Botswana is among the most dynamic and friendliest music sub-cultures in Africa, and it will find a new place in October 2022 when the Vulture Thrust Metal Fest returns.
The event will be held in the community of Rakops, located in the middle of Botswana, and will feature high-octane rock performed with an enthusiastic and welcoming spirit. Whether you’re a fan of metal or not, it promises to offer a one-of-a-kind approach to seeing the African country.
The modest festival provides a base for tourists exploring the neighboring game reserves and embarking on something akin to heavy metal safaris. In addition to being a venue to rock out in the renowned welcoming country of Botswana, the festival functions as a place to hang out.
All You Need to Learn About the Party is Included in This List
What Exactly is It That They Call Vulture Thrust Metal Fest?
After being forced to stop for two years due to COVID-19, heavy rock concerts have finally returned to Botswana thanks to the Vulture Thrust Metal Fest.
The weekend of October 28-29 will see a gathering of metal bands and fans in the village of Rakops, making it for a short time the epicenter of the metal subculture in Botswana. The organizers of the event are hoping to see a greater number of international attendees than they have at prior local rock festivals because it will take place close to the popular tourist town of Maun. In total, between 500 and 600 fans are anticipated to attend.
Vulture Thrust will have its first “in real life” occurrence in 2022, which will be the event’s third iteration overall. It was supposed to debut in Rakops in 2020, but because of pandemic constraints, it went online instead (and then did so again in 2021).
The crew that put up Ghanzi’s Winter Metal Mania Fest, which includes Tshomarelo ‘Vulture’ Mosaka, is the group responsible for organizing Vulture Thrust. Overthrust, the band that will be performing at the Rakops event, was formed with him as a co-founder. According to Vulture, Nosey Road was the first heavy metal band to emerge from Botswana. The band garnered popularity throughout the 1970s.
According to Vulture, the introduction of heavy rock albums by foreigners, particularly in Maun, which was home to a number of expatriates, contributed to the growth of interest in the genre in the country. In 1990s, Nosey Road organized a music festival, as well as other Botswana bands, such as Metal Orizon, came into being. This helped build momentum.
Overthrust, a band that plays “old school metal,” was founded in 2008 by Vulture, a native of Rakops who was fascinated with this style of music. Shortly after that, the first-ever Winter Metal Mania Fest was held in Ghanzi, and it was organized by Vulture. There were fifty people there to see it.
“We were performing harsh songs, and folks didn’t fully understand it,” remarked Vulture. “The band had no idea what they were listening to.” “We received criticism from some individuals who believed that we were performing “satanic music.” However, we did not give up trying.”
Overthrust has created songs about gloomy topics that are pertinent to Botswana, including the belief in ghosts and the corruption of religious leaders. Over the course of several years, an increasing number of fans overcame the oversimplified assumption that speaking about morbid topics rendered one immoral and came to the conclusion that this wasn’t in fact, ” demon music.” “We’re attempting to bring these things to life via entertainment,” Vulture added.
By the middle of the 2010s, a nascent but thriving metal subculture had coalesced in Botswana, with local festivals serving as the focal points of this subculture. The global uniform of metal, which consists of black clothing, tattoos, and band t-shirts, served as a model for the band’s image, but local variations were added. Cowboy hats grew fashionable among some of the bands, a nod more to the tradition of cattle ranching in Botswana than to the impact of the United States.
Vulture: “Not Only via Music, but Also by Forging Our Own Identities, We Created a Subculture
In Botswana, forming a connection with someone is as simple as seeing that they are wearing a metal band’s t-shirt. There is no distinction between a member of the band and a friend in this regard.” Because of the way the scene was covered in publications written in a foreign language, some people started to worry that outsiders would see it as being too obsessed with American culture. This is the case despite the fact that metal bands from Botswana frequently compose music employing African instruments and rhythms that are very dissimilar to those used by classic metal acts in the United States.
Still, Vulture embraces global exposure. He, like many other metal fans in Botswana, has a day job to pay for his music and views any promotion of bands or festivals as an essential boost in an atmosphere driven by passion. “They can engage with artists from other nations if they attend these performances,” he stated. “These shows take place all over the world.” “They are given opportunities for interviews and exposure. They are motivated to keep going because of these shows.”
Who Will Be Performing at the Festival This Year?
Heavy metal acts start playing on the event’s main stage at 8 p.m. on Friday and 2 p.m. on Saturday, and they continue to rock until 4 a.m. on both nights. The lineup for this stage is dominated by heavy metal acts, which makes perfect sense.
Other bands from Botswana, such as Stane, Remuda, Humanitarian, PMMA, Alive N Bolder, and Bankrupt Souls, will also perform, with Bankrupt Souls containing musicians of Metal Orizon. Overthrust is also scheduled to take the stage. Vulture has been quoted as saying that PMMA is “rough – they perform like Judas Priest.” In addition to that, he brought up Alive N Bolder, asserting: “They are elderly gentlemen, but when they get on stage, they lose their minds. When you witness an elderly person performing rock ‘n’ roll as they do, it gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.”
Although the festival cannot afford to bring in major international acts, many musicians from outside of Africa have expressed interest in performing there. Gravel, a black metal band from Switzerland, is planned to perform, and there are also bands scheduled from Germany. DJs as well as other performers will begin performing on the grounds as early as Wednesday before the major stage bands begin their sets. They will also feature music from other genres, such as jazz, house music, and Kwaito.
Where Can I Purchase Tickets for the Vulture Thrust?
The price of a ticket to attend the festival is either 100 pula (R 140) or 120 pula (R 160) if camping is included. A VIP ticket can be purchased for 350 pula (R 460), and it comes with a free t-shirt. Via the Vulture Thrust Facebook page, you will be able to submit a request to book early seats. Tickets can be purchased at the venue for a fee that is marginally higher than in advance.
When is the Earliest That I Should Arrive at the Festival?
On Friday, October 28, the main stage bands will begin playing at 8:00 p.m., so there will be ample time to drive to Rakops on the day. On Saturday at two in the afternoon, the action returns to the main stage and continues until four in the morning on Sunday. Beginning on Wednesday, in addition, to live music being performed on a number of smaller stages, there will be a variety of activities as well as food stalls on the premises.
A Great Charity, an Entertaining Parade
Heavy metal concerts in Botswana have a long tradition of contributing financially to philanthropic endeavors. After watching youngsters living on the streets in Ghanzi, Vulture made the decision to host his first festival. He said, “I saw homeless youngsters wandering the street,” and he was right. “I was taught that some people did not have access to education or did not attend school. I suggested that we take action to address the issue.”
The Winter Metal Mania Fest that developed, as a result, earned money for groups that assist children. At the Vulture Thrust Metal Fest in 2022, donations will be collected for disabled people living in the community.
The musicians and supporters will begin their parade from Rakops Primary Hospital at ten in the morning on the Saturday of the festival. This ritual, which will conclude with a convoy of honking cars, gigantic motorbikes, as well as metalheads on horseback and foot, will involve a payment of money.